I need to add a course after drop/add has already ended. How?
If the instructor agrees, you’ll need to fill out a late add form. The instructor of record will need to email the form to the department head, who will email it to the registrar (UGA emails used in lieu of signatures).
Do this before the withdrawal deadline! Late add forms cannot be processed after that point. They will need to be sent from the department head to the registrar's office before 5pm on the final withdrawal deadline date.
If you need a Section Change:
Section Change (PDF) forms should be used when a student needs to:
- Switch to a different section of the same course (ex: moving to a new section of SPAN 2001)
- Switch to a crosslisted course as outlined in the UGA Bulletin (in some cases, this is for students who have registered for the wrong level of a crosslisted course, such as an undergraduate registered for the graduate level of a course or vice versa)
- Switch to a different course within a course path (ex: dropping SPAN 2002 for SPAN 2001)
- Adjust the registered hours on a variable hour course
Section Change forms work the same way as late add forms, and need to be done before the withdrawal deadline
What’s the difference between dropping and withdrawing from a course? Does it affect my financial aid?
Dropping a course during drop/add does not count against your attempted hours (which counts with HOPE/Zell) or appear on your transcript. Your financial aid will get reevaluated if you drop to fewer hours, so always check with financial aid when you have questions/concerns.
Dropping Courses vs. Withdrawing
How to withdrawals work?
For general advice about withdrawals:
Keep in mind that any withdrawals must be done in Athena by 11:59pm on the final withdrawal date in the academic calendar. Withdrawals are not possible after that date, with very few exceptions (such as withdrawals from all classes due to documented hardship through the office of Student Care and Outreach).